Anna Shechtman

Anna Shechtman is a Klarman Fellow at Cornell University and will begin as an assistant professor in the Department of Literatures in English in 2024. She is writing a two-volume history of the “media” and “data” concepts in the United States. The first book builds upon her dissertation, The Media Concept: A Genealogy, which demonstrates that the imperial spread of the media concept has imperiled the very values it was initially employed to defend. The second, Data: A Humanistic Inquiry, challenges the notion that “data” has always been the proprietary domain of social scientists, improperly imported into the study of literature and history.

Her research has been published in Critical InquiryRepresentations, and She writes bi-monthy crosswords for The New Yorker and her book, The Riddles of the Sphinx: Inheriting the Feminist History of the Crossword Puzzle, was published by HarperOne in March 2024.

Her freelance essays and reviews have appeared in ArtForum, The New InquiryThe New Yorker, The New York Review of Books, SlateThe Yale Review, and the Los Angeles Review of Books, where she is an editor-at-large.